
134 views | 9 songs | 01:03:44 | Submit Song | Listen on YouTube

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# Title Duration
1 Musica Smurai - Battalla Samurai (Samurai Music) 01:40
2 Taiko Drum Tremor 02:31
3 The Plight of the Samurai - Traditional Japanese Music 08:35
4 林英哲 / 海の豊饒(和太鼓アンサンブル) 10:42
5 Path of the Samurai | Traditional Japanese Music 04:43
6 Samurai war song 02:47
7 21 minutes of Epic Taiko Music - Cinematic Delirium 21:18
8 Wadaiko Matsuriza - Kabuki Gomen-Jyo [Japanese drums] 05:51
9 Japanese War Music - Samurai Battle March [HD] 05:37