Medieval Academy

723 views | 12 songs | 42:20 | Submit Song | Listen on YouTube

#Knights At The Round Table

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# Title Duration
1 Stronghold 2 Soundtrack - Gloymix 2 03:49
2 World Without End | Gwenda (Music) [12.] 03:04
3 The Settlers: Heritage of Kings Soundtrack - Middle Europe Summer 2 02:46
4 TES V Skyrim Soundtrack - Secunda 02:06
5 The Settlers: Heritage of Kings Soundtrack - Highland Summer 1 02:31
6 Civilization V music - Asia - Bairagi 07:14
7 Zoosters breakout by Hans Zimmer 04:40
8 Trine Soundtrack - 02 Academy Hallways 04:16
9 Trine 2 Soundtrack - 14 The Lost Court of Mushroom Caves 03:14
10 The Settlers: Heritage of Kings Soundtrack - Middle Europe Summer 3 02:49
11 Zither - Kerschbam Zithermusi - Kerschbam Marsch - Zithermusik - 03:40
12 Civilization V music - Asia - Highlands of Tibet 02:11