Terraforming Mars

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# Title Duration
1 Allegro for Hydroponic Systems - Christopher Tin 03:45
2 Subterra 03:23
3 Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Portal Station - Soundtrack 03:51
4 Ascendant - Meridian 06:28
5 Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon OST - New Era 新しい時代 | Epic Soundtrack | FromSoftware 01:32
6 Xeno Titan (Track 25) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:45
7 Gregory Semenov - Gladiator | Space Rangers soundtrack 02:06
8 The Weight of Rain 04:13
9 Truth of the Brave - Onimusha 2 main theme cover 02:32
10 Pwyll (Night) - Dread Delusion OST 07:53
11 Flux Is On 01:50
12 Chris Christodoulou - Evapotranspiration | Risk of Rain 2 (2020) 05:06
13 Elite: Dangerous Soundtrack - Frameshift Suite - Seventh Movement - Virgo 01:51
14 Brave New Planet - Christopher Tin 04:22
15 Central Plains 08:19
16 Planetwalk Beta 06:05
17 Surviving Mars - CH4 05:50
18 EVE Online: OST - Something Old, Something New 04:53
19 Benjamin Young - The Truth | Planet Crafter OST 04:40
20 Audiomachine - The Legend Begins (The Good Dinosaur Trailer Music) 02:21
21 Strange Stars – Soundtrack (2019) 06:41
22 Zimuse - Freedom Wars - Original Soundtrack 04:06
23 Sky Mine (Track 32) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 03:24
24 Anno 2205 OST / Dynamedion - A Dying Glacier’s Whisper (Track 07) 02:07
25 Planetfall Ambient Middle (Track 36) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:09
26 Sunshine Soundtrack Mercury 02:11
27 Metroid Prime Music - Downed Frigate Orpheon Ambience 02:07
28 Audiomachine - New Beginning 03:22
29 The Last Theorem 01:20
30 Invincible - Heart of Courage (HQ) 08:13
31 The Martian OST- Mars 02:26
32 The Outer Worlds - "Hope" (Title Theme/Main Menu Music) by Justin E. Bell 07:45
33 Space Rangers 2: Beyond Reach 04:20
34 Geoengineering – Soundtrack (2020) 07:48
35 King of All Kings 03:27
36 Deep Memory (Track 28) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 03:46
37 Virgo Supercluster 04:07
38 Elite: Dangerous Soundtrack - Frameshift Suite - First Movement - Andromeda 04:01
39 Space Walk 01:56
40 Solar Fields - The Missing 09:37
41 EVE Online - My other residency by Jon Hallur 03:41
42 Anno 2205 OST / Dynamedion - Neo Industrialist (Track 09) 02:07
43 Benjamin Young - Desert Planet | Planet Crafter OST 04:55
44 [FTL Multiverse OST] Voyager Explore 03:09
45 Dream Twice - Corpus | Raneous LP 05:46
46 FROZEN SEA by Soundcritters | Most Emotional Beautiful Music 02:19
47 wind from the sun (aura) 04:10
48 Terraform Venus – Soundtrack (2021) 08:37
49 "Apollo 11 Launch (from First Man)" by Justin Hurwitz 05:51
50 Gavno b - Freedom Wars - Original Soundtrack 04:24
51 Metroid Prime Music - Phendrana Drifts 07:37
52 Daedalus 03:01
53 John Dreamer - True Strength 03:26
54 No Time for Caution 04:07
55 Zack Hemsey - "Redemption" 03:11
56 Stellaris Soundtrack - Distant Nebula 07:57
57 Nothing but Little Dots 03:51
58 The Martian OST- Messages from Hermes 03:32
59 Mike Oldfield - In the beginning & Let there be light 06:23
60 Stellaris Soundtrack - Deep Space Travels 07:30
61 Red Planet Nocturne (Theme to Offworld Trading Company) - Christopher Tin 04:09
62 The Martian OST- Pathfinder 02:34
63 Host Server - Freedom Wars - Original Soundtrack 03:49
64 Benjamin Young - Unfolding Expanse | Planet Crafter OST 04:18
65 Memories of Memories 04:43
66 Stellardrone - Light Years 06:05
67 Central Plains 08:19
68 This Is the Wrong Way 03:41
69 01- Colonial Anthem 04:04
70 INTERSTELLAR Soundtrack - 07. The Wormhole 01:31
71 Two Steps From Hell - Undying Love (Extended) (Invincible) 02:54
72 Interstellar OST 03 Dust by Hans Zimmer 05:42
73 Interstellar OST 17 First Step by Hans Zimmer 01:48
74 Stellaris Soundtrack - Main Theme 08:31
75 Beneath the Crust 02:19
76 a visitor from afar 02:29
77 Aaron Hibell - Glued 2 deep in time (time x glue x how deep is your love) 03:05
78 Abyss 06:07
79 Dream Twice - Optica | Raneous LP 04:06
80 Gavno.c - Freedom Wars - Original Soundtrack 04:01
81 Parasite Eve OST 13 Out of Phase 04:06
82 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Human 3 05:29
83 Now Is The Time To Leave 02:08
84 Benjamin Young - Serenity | Planet Crafter OST 03:55
85 Transistor Original Soundtrack - Vanishing Point 04:11
86 The Arid Planet (Track 20) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 02:25
87 The Lush Planet Ambient Late (Track 10) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 03:48
88 Planetbase (main theme) 02:11
89 Deep Space - Audionautix 05:04
90 The Martian OST- "I Got Him!" 04:46
91 Alien Swarm OST: Mission Briefing 02:00
92 Scann-Tec - Space Police 06:06
93 Audiomachine - Godspeed 02:46
94 Jerry Goldsmith - The Mutant (From "Total Recall" OST) 03:18
95 [FTL Multiverse OST] Space-Ass Explore 02:19
96 Starpoint Genimi 2 - Main Theme - Globus 04:16
97 The Martian OST- Work the Problem 01:59
98 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Ground War 2 03:17
99 On Thin Ice 02:47
100 The Dark Side of Phobos - The Red Moon (E1M4) 04:59
101 The Expanse - Opening Title (Season 1) [HD] 01:01
102 the force of nature 04:46
103 Atticus Ross - Panoramic (The Book of Eli OST) 07:14
104 Elite: Dangerous Soundtrack - Frameshift Suite - Sixth Movement - Canes Venatici 02:39
105 M83 - Waking Up (Oblivion Soundtrack) 04:11
106 Elite Dangerous by Erasmus Talbot Anarchic Starport (HIGH QUALITY) 03:26
107 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Pol 1 04:41
108 Dogmatic Engineering (Track 23) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:24
109 The Martian OST- Spotting Movement 01:50
110 "Kiss Me Before You Go" | Efisio Cross 03:09
111 Audiomachine - Sol Invictus 02:55
112 Benjamin Young - New Growth | Planet Crafter OST 04:30
113 Antipodes 01:05
114 Pyre Original Soundtrack - Shattered Lands 03:46
115 Keleres Alert! - Embers of the Imperium (Unofficial Soundtrack) 05:52
116 Rogue Planets – Soundtrack (2018) 06:28
117 Carbon Harvest 04:37
118 Jón Hallur - Below The Asteroids (EVE Online soundtrack) HD 04:38
119 The Fitfh Element - Leeloominai HD 01:43
120 DEEP IN TIME 03:05
121 "The Landing (from First Man)" by Justin Hurwitz 05:32
122 The Martian OST- Sprouting Potatoes 01:40
123 Promethean (Track 15) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:20
124 Strauss Zarathustra Odisea Espacio VOLUMEN ALTO para mejor Apreciación Musical 04:00
125 Life 02:31
126 John Carter (2012) Soundtrack Suite - Michael Giacchino 16:45
127 Atlantis - Audionautix 01:54
128 To Far Shores 03:06
129 EDF 6 OST - OpTeleop [?] 01:31
130 Benjamin Young - Techtopia | Planet Crafter OST 04:43
131 Initialization - Freedom Wars - Original Soundtrack 02:00
132 ✔️Transformers 3 - Our final hope (The Score - Soundtrack) 03:43
133 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Pol 2 05:31
134 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Space War 2 03:33
135 Interstellar Lifeline 02:21
136 Hex Sequence 01:12
137 Beyond Earth (Track 02) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:37
138 Stellaris Soundtrack - Deep Space Travel 07:30
139 SCG - Freedom Wars - Original Soundtrack 06:35
140 The Fifth Element - Koolen HD 00:56
141 Xenomalleum (Track 17) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:18
142 HW Remastered ST Sarum 02:38
143 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Ground War 1 02:57
144 The Martian OST- Emegency Launch 03:10
145 The Martian OST- Reap & Sow 02:22
146 Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Luminoth Energy Controller - Soundtrack 01:51
147 Remnant Soundtrack - From the Ashes (Menu Theme) 03:25
148 The Voice of a Neutronstar 03:38
149 The Long Journey Home 01:33
150 Pwyll (Day) - Dread Delusion OST 07:48
151 X shell - Freedom Wars - Original Soundtrack 05:41
152 Most Dramatic Background Music - Atlas 02:43
153 Spore Main Menu Full Theme 10:52
154 Glaciers Move 02:51
155 Asimov 05:52
156 Bigfoot 05:16
157 The Lush Planet (Track 03) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 02:29
158 Audiomachine - Tree of Life 02:01
159 Paul Ruskay - Kharak System / Homeworld Soundtrack 03:07
160 Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - Listen to the Cries of the Planet (Orchestral MIDI Cover) 03:56
161 Eptesicus 04:21
162 Benjamin Young - Open Space | Planet Crafter OST 04:55
163 Audiomachine - Millennium 02:41
164 Jón Hallur - Seek And You Shall Find 05:19
165 Lux Perpetua (Track 08) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:27
166 Spore Soundtrack Main Menu Extended 10:48
167 The Martian OST- Watneys Alive! 02:47
168 Solar Collector (Track 22) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:43
169 Lobotomy Corporation Full Soundtrack "neutral 1" 04:04
170 Paradise Cracked soundtrack - Sky Town 1 02:55
171 Moon Base – Soundtrack (2018) 06:55
172 The Lost Frontier - Endless Space 2 Original Soundtrack 03:07
173 Welcome To Mars 02:03
174 2. Welcome To Mars 02:03
175 Benjamin Young - Fields of Metal | Planet Crafter OST 04:16
176 Soundtrack The Expanse 02:20
177 Stellaris Soundtrack - Distant Nebula (Instrumental) 07:57
178 Agency Supply Network - Embers of the Imperium (Unofficial Soundtrack) | 2025 04:14
179 Elite: Dangerous Soundtrack Frameshift Suite - Second Movement - Centaurus 04:01
180 Planetbase (game theme 1) 04:04
181 Stellaris Faster than Light - Instrumental 06:41
182 Benjamin Young - Base Building | Planet Crafter OST 02:51
183 Across the Drift (Riftborn Theme) 06:44
184 Council Patronage - Embers of the Imperium (Unofficial Soundtrack) | 2025 01:56
185 Stellaris Soundtrack - Creation and Beyond 08:31
186 MogueHeart - Airglow 07:58
187 EDF 5 OST - Online Lobby 11:04
188 Endeleas - Daedalus [SpaceAmbient] 06:11
189 Jo Blankenburg - Ascencia 02:17
190 The Scavenger 03:09
191 Interstellar OST 07 The Wormhole by Hans Zimmer 01:31
192 Offworld Price Index - Christopher Tin 01:29
193 [OST] Super Mario Maker - Create: New Super Mario Bros. U - Airship Theme 03:04
194 Benjamin Young - Applied Robotics | Planet Crafter OST 04:50
195 Planetfall Ambient Late 1 (Track 38) - Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:28
196 Hacker Array - Christopher Tin 02:25
197 Benjamin Young - Nothing but Sand | Planet Crafter OST 02:44
198 Stellaris Soundtrack - Battle for Supremacy 04:01
199 The Knight 03:26
200 Audiomachine - Forgive us Our Trespasses 03:54
201 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Brutal 1 06:08
202 Nick Cave & Warren Ellis - "Earth" (Mars OST) 02:11
203 Winter Chill 03:08
204 The Martian OST- Build A Bomb 05:07
205 Rone - Motion 11:49
206 Слушая Баха (Земля) 03:11
207 Benedicite (Track 09) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:09
208 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Space War 1 02:29
209 Mass Effect 3 Soundtrack - Creation 02:04
210 X3 reunion OST - Peace 5 02:01
211 Terraforming Mars Background Music 1 of 3 Soundtrack OST 04:46
212 Space 04:16
213 ППК-Воскрешение (Space Video) 05:05
214 Stellaris Soundtrack - To the Ends of the Galaxy (Instrumental) 06:14
215 X2: The Threat OST Menu music - "Orbital Surfer" 02:44
216 Oblivion Music Video - Extended Edition (M83 feat. Susanne Sundfør) 10:14
217 To The West 04:03
218 Nuke A City – Soundtrack (2019) 07:37
219 Universal Journey – Soundtrack (2022) 06:47
220 Glacier 02:30
221 Elite Dangerous by Erasmus Talbot Federal Space Delta Pavonis (HIGH QUALITY) 01:24
222 EVE Online: OST - Odyssey Expansion Theme (2013) 03:34
223 Elysium - Fire Up The Shuttle - Soundtrack Score HD 01:46
224 Enclave 07:44
225 Cinematic Hybrid Music - "Can It Be?" - Film & Video Soundtracks - FesliyanStudios 01:52
226 The Round Table 02:56
227 Freeze All Motor Functions (Westworld Soundtrack) 03:04
228 Timeline 03:09
229 Planetfall (Track 29) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 02:10
230 Dream Twice - Sketch | Raneous LP 04:53
231 Solar Storms – Soundtrack (2020) 07:55
232 Hopeful 01:51
233 Alexei Zakharov X3 03004 (Game Menu) 03:55
234 Anno 2205 OST / Dynamedion - The Second Wave Overture (Track 01) 05:06
235 Planetwalk Alpha 05:30
236 X3 Albion Prelude (Beauty in the Dark) 04:18
237 Dragonborn (From "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim") 02:11
238 Startflight 08:34
239 Stellardrone - Penumbra (Remix) 08:18
240 Rise Above 03:24
241 Aaron Hibell - glued 2 deep in time 03:05
242 Joi (Blade Runner 2049 Soundtrack) 03:53
243 Beauty in the Eye of the Orbiter (Track 05) - Sid Meier's Civilization Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:51
244 Activation - Freedom Wars - Original Soundtrack 04:17
245 Benjamin Young - Echoes of the Wardens | Planet Crafter OST 05:23
246 Lisis - Embers of the Imperium (Unofficial Soundtrack) 06:06
247 Leave That Thing Alone (2004 Remaster) 04:06
248 Elite Dangerous by Erasmus Talbot Federal Space Beta Hydri (HIGH QUALITY) 01:17
249 Stellardrone - Endeavour 05:33
250 Surviving Mars - H2O 05:37
251 EVE Online: OST - Point Of No Return 04:55
252 Supervolcanoes – Soundtrack (2022) 06:56
253 Stellaris Soundtrack - Battle For Supremacy (Bonus Track) 04:01
254 Acclimation (Track 14) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:56
255 The Martian OST- See You In A Few 05:12
256 Distant Realms 03:41
257 Mining the Moon 05:29
258 [FTL Multiverse OST] Depths of the Multiverse (Main Menu) 05:51
259 Titan Opus 05:36
260 Mars 04:01
261 [FTL Multiverse OST] Having Tea at the End of Time 01:58
262 Universe and Entropy 01:33
263 The Heaven Above 02:27
264 Parasite Eve OST 07 Theme of Mitochondria 01:41
265 Interstellar Official Soundtrack | Cornfield Chase – Hans Zimmer | WaterTower 02:07
266 Eduard Artemyev - Siberiade theme (1979) 04:33
267 Stellardrone - Mars 02:37
268 Interplanetary Static 09:04
269 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Space War 3 02:23
270 Under the Debris 04:55
271 Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Agon Wastes - Soundtrack 02:52
272 Valkyrie 03:27
273 The Martian OST- Making Water 02:39
274 Resolution 03:39
275 Treefingers 03:43
276 Sunrise on Mars - Christopher Tin 03:47
277 X2 - The Threat Soundtrack: Serenity (Menu Theme 4) 03:55
278 The Arid Planet Ambient Middle (Track 24) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 03:21
279 Lucid - Lösking | Sci fi Instrumental Music 02:52
280 Dead Cells - Weapon Merchant (Official Soundtrack) 01:05
281 Neutron Stars – Soundtrack (2019) 06:50
282 The Martian OST- Science the Shit out of this 02:18
283 Parasite Eve OST 09 Arise Within You 02:06
284 Oberon - Freedom Wars - Original Soundtrack 04:22
285 Terraforming Mars Background Music 3 of 3 Soundtrack OST 02:25
286 Space Rangers 2: Gladiator 02:08
287 Audiomachine - Above and Beyond 02:54
288 Jo Blankenburg - Garador's Flight (Elysium - 2012) 02:50
289 Stellaris Soundtrack - To The Ends of the Galaxy 06:14
290 The Lush Planet Ambient Middle (Track 07) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 03:52
291 Hans Zimmer - Mountains (Interstellar Soundtrack) 03:40
292 Deep Space Exploration 03:14
293 Bribery - Christopher Tin 01:31
294 Monolith 02:17
295 Jonn Serrie - Deep Starship 10:49
296 Alien Shores (Track 31) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:22
297 "Homecoming" from the Audiomachine release TREE OF LIFE 03:18
298 Asteroid Mining – Soundtrack (2020) 05:19
299 The Mr Bean Theme - Mad Pianos 03:03
300 Ascendant - Meridian 06:27
301 Undimmed by Time, Unbound by Death 02:27
302 Dark Conspiracy Theory Soundtrack Music - PYRAMIDS 03:12
303 Stellaris Soundtrack - Faster Than Light (Instrumental) 06:41
304 Hope For Rebirth - Celestial Aeon Project - Aeon [soundtrack,celtic] 05:15
305 Elite: Dangerous Soundtrack - Frameshift Suite - Third Movement - Ursa Major 03:16
306 Interstellar OST Tick Tock by Hans Zimmer 08:19
307 Chris Christodoulou - Chanson d'Automne.. | Risk of Rain (2013) 03:21
308 Der 2. Planet 04:10
309 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Human 1 05:39
310 EVE Online Jukebox- Red Glowing Dust 04:56
311 Elite Dangerous by Erasmus Talbot Federal Space Anlave (HIGH QUALITY) 01:38
312 The Deep Dive 02:45
313 Paradise Cracked soundtrack - Night City(main theme) 03:30
314 Audiomachine - Seeds of Promise - Music from the Disneynature Trailer "Born in China" 02:39
315 Elite: Dangerous Soundtrack - Frameshift Suite - Fifth Movement - Coma Berenices 02:27
316 Mars Base – Soundtrack (2019) 08:33
317 Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - Sanctuary (Dynamo Control) - Soundtrack 05:10
318 Titan A.E. Soundtrack Part 8 (CD) 06:34
319 Mass Effect 2 HQ Music - New Worlds (Galaxy Map Theme) 02:33
320 Nuke the Moon – Soundtrack (2020) 06:32
321 Aythar - The Sirens of Titan 10:39
322 Audiomachine - Cascades 02:15
323 Patron Saint of Astronomers 05:00
324 Transfixed 02:39
325 Yang's Planetfall - Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri OST 04:35
326 Elite: Dangerous Soundtrack - Frameshift Suite - Fourth Movement - Draco 03:59
327 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Human 2 06:01
328 Eve-Online Soundtrack (5/14) 06:24
329 [FTL Multiverse OST] Confederate Explore 03:30
330 Jo Blankenburg - Empyrea 03:35
331 Ooze Control 02:12
332 Largest Star – Soundtrack (2020) 08:56
333 Planetbase (game theme 2) 03:34
334 The Martian OST- Crossing Mars 03:37
336 Rise ~ John Dreamer 02:18
337 Two Steps From Hell - Freedom Fighters (Invincible) 02:30
338 Vigil - Embers of the Imperium (Unofficial Soundtrack) | 2025 05:01
339 Mercury | Dark Sci Fi Instrumental Music 03:06
340 Alpha Centauri (From Stellaris Original Game Soundtrack) 05:24
341 Tamás Kreiner - Imperium Galactica II - Ground War 3 03:01
342 Benjamin Young - Steady Progress | Planet Crafter OST 05:20
343 Terraforming Mars Background Music 2 of 3 Soundtrack OST 04:47
344 Stellardrone - Ethereal 03:59
345 Color Confinement 02:17
346 Zack Hemsey - "See What I've Become" 03:55
347 Epochalypse 03:58
348 Lobotomy Corporation Full Soundtrack "neutral 3" 04:04
350 Mass Effect - Rescuing the Quarian (Missing Track) 02:04
351 Earth's Ambassadors (Track 34) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 03:53
352 EVE Online: OST - Stellar Shadows 05:57
353 Our New World (Track 11) - Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth Soundtrack 04:43